Automation and AI in the Workplace: Are Bots the Future?

with , Roy Atkinson
Tuesday, Sep 19, 2017

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Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are on everyone's minds, but they don't completely understand the potential impact in 2017. What’s it really all about? With constant advances in technology leading to increasing possibilities, are organizations ready for these powerful changes? And how will it impact the way they handle IT service and support?

Based on recent research by Samanage and HDI, this enlightening webinar will take you beyond the sensationalized headlines and paint a realistic, research-based picture of the impact of automation and AI on service management—now and in the near future.

What You'll Learn

  • How confident IT professionals are that AI will play an expanding role
  • How C-suite is thinking about process automation
  • What benefits IT departments see in automation
  • Which departments are adopting automation as a way of providing services
  • What technologies organizations are investing in
  • How is automation impacting jobs

Who Should Attend

  • CIOs and senior leaders in IT who want to learn more about automation
  • IT managers who see potential for automation and want to know more
  • Anyone in IT service management seeking to learn about current trends and possibilities in automation

Register now!

* This webinar is being hosted on HDI's BrightTalk channel. You will need to have a BrightTalk account to register for the webinar. Fortunately, registration is free!

Roy Atkinson
Roy Atkinson serves as CEO and Principal Advisor for Clifton Butterfield, LLC, a business advisory practice, and is one of the top influencers in the service and support industry. He is a Fellow of the Institute for Digital Transformation and a member of the HDI Strategic Advisory Board. Roy received the HDI Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019. He holds a master’s certificate in advanced management strategy from Tulane University’s Freeman School of Business. Follow him on Twitter @RoyAtkinson

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