IT Change Management in a High-Speed World

with Roy Atkinson , Greg Sanker
Thursday, Aug 22, 2019


Organizations are increasingly caught between competing goals: They must meet compliance and cybersecurity requirements and produce stable technology environments while simultaneously allowing for high-velocity changes. How can these competing goals be managed?

In the webinar, Greg Sanker, author of IT Change Management: A Practitioner’s Guide, will shed light on how these goals can be reconciled using accepted frameworks and proven methods, including:

  • The changing role of the Change Advisory Board (CAB)
  • Enabling change rather than inhibiting change
  • Using the “blast radius” model to determine risk

You will learn how training integrates with the actions of the job itself, making learning an ongoing process.

View the Webcast Recording

About Our Speaker(s)

Roy Atkinson
Roy Atkinson serves as CEO and Principal Advisor for Clifton Butterfield, LLC, a business advisory practice, and is one of the top influencers in the service and support industry. He is a Fellow of the Institute for Digital Transformation and a member of the HDI Strategic Advisory Board. Roy received the HDI Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019. He holds a master’s certificate in advanced management strategy from Tulane University’s Freeman School of Business. Follow him on Twitter @RoyAtkinson
Author and CIO
Greg Sanker is the author of IT Change Management: A Practitioner’s Guide, a frequent blogger, speaker, and presenter, and CIO of the Oregon Department of Administrative Services. Greg has decades of global IT experience with organizations ranging from Fortune 10 tech giants to the public sector. He is one of HDI’s Top 25 Thought Leaders. Find Greg on Twitter at @gtsanker.