How to Improve L2 and L3 Support Efficiencies and Still Deliver a Great Employee Experience

with Tim Flower
Tuesday, Mar 21, 2023


Your IT team’s job is complex. In addition to “managing technology,” they need to deliver great quality of service, keep the lights on, and manage costs.

Modern IT teams now more than ever need to achieve two traditionally competing goals:

  1. Manage the overall cost of operations and while staying as efficient as possible. 
  2. Continually improve service delivery and employees’ experience using the technology they need to get their jobs done. 

When your team can take a holistic and proactive approach to understanding and improving the employee experience, IT can lower support costs, improve quality of service, and increase speed of transformation. And the side benefit of improved service at a lower cost? Becoming a strategic partner across the entire enterprise and helping to identify and unlock additional hidden value.

In this hour-long discussion, you’ll learn about the tools, processes, and skills that will let your team evolve beyond merely reacting to employee escalations of IT issues.

Proactive IT can give your team better visibility into the enterprise and give IT the power to go well beyond just keeping the lights on.

Join us on March 21st as industry experts explain:

  • How capturing and acting on a holistic view of digital employee experiences transforms IT from reactive problem solvers to proactive, cost-efficient business partners.
  • What tools and processes empower your team to improve service delivery quality and speed, while also improving the employee experience in the new normal of remote and hybrid workplaces
  • Where IT leaders can leverage a holistic, real-time view of the digital employee experience, predictive analytics, and automation to achieve immediate results and drive continuous improvement

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About Our Speaker(s)

Director, Business Transformation

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