The State of Today’s IT: Process Maturity, Business Alignment, and Digital Transformation
is the result of a research survey fielded by HDI with sponsorship from Atlassian. Responses cover nearly 30 industry verticals and organization sizes from fewer than 100 to over 50,000.
The object of this study was to discover:
- How do organizations rank themselves for process maturity?
- What actions and characteristics constitute alignment of IT with other business units?
- Are organizations that rate themselves as mature also better business partners?
- Which frameworks and methodologies are being used?
- Are ITSM tools being used beyond IT?
- How often do organizations replace ITSM tools?
- What advanced technologies are being used currently and which are part of future plans?
- How does company size affect (if at all) the characteristics discussed?
This Executive Summary lays out the findings in detail, and reaches several conclusions based on the data:
- Digital transformation, at least as the term is understood by respondents to the survey, is unclear and has been articulated in only about 20% of organizations.
- IT is still largely setting its own agenda, based on the responses about project priorities and who is setting them.
- IT is not well aligned toward business outcomes, except in some organizations represented in the business-aligned and mature groups.
- While service automation has taken hold in a large percentage of organizations, AI, cognitive systems, and machine learning have not.
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