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Overenthusiastic advocates of any initiative often jump into action before thinking things through, but just because one organization saved money by using peer-to-peer support, that doesn’t mean it will work in every organization in the same way.
Tag(s): best practice, community, desktop support, service desk, social networking tools, social IT, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated May 11, 2016

When budgets are tight, it’s important that you spend money on training that builds the skills you need at the levels you need them.
Tag(s): workforce enablement, workforce enablement, training, supportworld, service desk, support center, framework and methodologies, framework
Date Published - Last Updated May 11, 2016

The ever-accelerating pace of technological change continues to push CIOs to adapt quickly or run the risk of finding themselves outmaneuvered by their competition. Whether it’s determining how best to leverage mobile apps, weighing the risks and benefits of cloud computing/storage, or...
Tag(s): future of support, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

The HDI Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) launched an ambitious project to look ahead about five years and make some assertions about where the technical service and support industry will be by the year 2020.
Tag(s): future of support, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

We’re living in a world in which virtually everything has been changed—disrupted, you might say—by the integration of technology into nearly every facet of life. Technology is now at the center of our professional and personal lives. While there are exceptions, for most of us, it’s difficult to ...
Tag(s): future of support, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

Is this the year the walls around IT and support finally come down, once and for all? There is a well-recognized chasm in many enterprises. On one side are the engineers and support people who keep the organization on the technological cutting edge; on the other is ...
Tag(s): workforce enablement, business of support, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

As companies have focused on improving processes and gaining greater efficiencies, one key area that has suffered is the customer experience, which is the sum of every connection an organization has with its internal and external customers across all channels and every touchpoint.
Tag(s): customer experience, customer satisfaction, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

We all have customers: internal or external, public or private sector, investors or shareholders. Regardless of who our customers are, we need to not only provide them with an excellent product or an exceptional service, we must also ...
Tag(s): customer service, customer-satisfaction-measurement, metrics and measurements, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

When Hurricane Katrina crashed upon the Gulf Coast in 2005, the IS organization at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center, operated by the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady Health System (FMOLHS), sprang into full disaster mode, mustering the troops in its Baton Rouge data center to keep...
Tag(s): business continuity, business continuity planning, disaster recovery, teamwork, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

When it comes to knowledge management and Knowledge-Centered Support best practices, Coveo has a decided edge. They have robust tools, which they create. But without the philosophy, culture, and processes infused throughout their company ...
Tag(s): knowledge management, KCS, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016