The infamous automated answering systems, known as Interactive Voice Response systems, used in all contact centers today are a source of frustration for callers.
Tag(s): automation, business value, communications technology, customer experience, customer service, supportworld
Date Published August 24, 2016 - Last Updated February 1, 2017

Customer satisfaction surveys should be short and should ask about things that contribute to continual improvement in the quality of service and the customer experience.
Tag(s): customer experience, customer satisfaction, customer service, supportworld, service quality
Date Published August 4, 2016 - Last Updated December 15, 2016

Loss of trust can mean lost revenue. But with a few simple changes, you can reap all of the benefits that a high trust organization enjoys.
Tag(s): supportworld, service quality, relationship, employee satisfaction, customer service, customer experience, culture
Date Published July 20, 2016 - Last Updated December 15, 2016

As you continue delivering and maturing your service offering, having senior management’s respect, confidence, and support should be priority one!
Tag(s): supportworld, support operations, staffing, IT service management, case study, business value
Date Published June 27, 2016 - Last Updated July 19, 2018

Self-service is an important tactic for successful end-user support. But be aware that Tier 0 does have effects on the traditional metrics support centers use.
Tag(s): metrics and measurements, self-service, support center, support channels, supportworld
Date Published June 22, 2016 - Last Updated December 15, 2016

Providing customers with mobile support and mobile information—in a visually appealing and usable format—helps end users resolve their issues and requests and gets them back to work quickly.
Tag(s): technical support, technology, supportworld, support center, support channels, service desk technology, mobile device support, customer experience, case study
Date Published June 21, 2016 - Last Updated December 15, 2016

Customer satisfaction management involves understanding the issues beyond the data points that key performance indicators provide.
Tag(s): continual service improvement, customer satisfaction, customer experience, KPI, supportworld, service management
Date Published June 17, 2016 - Last Updated December 15, 2016

Email templates help new service desk agents get up to speed quickly, enable managers to store information in a central location, and improve agent productivity.
Tag(s): technical support, supportworld, support center, customer experience
Date Published June 9, 2016 - Last Updated March 14, 2017

Outsourcing, automation, and technology are forcing technical support teams to adapt the way they work. Developing right-brain skills might just be the answer.
Tag(s): culture, future of support, human resources, people, problem solving and troubleshooting, support center, supportworld
Date Published May 31, 2016 - Last Updated December 1, 2017

Many organizations have implemented problem management, per ITIL, by performing root cause analysis on important incidents, deriving lessons learned, and deploying corrective steps in order to prevent similar incidents from recurring. However, this process is still reactive in nature, as a...
Tag(s): customer experience, problem management, ITIL, supportworld
Date Published May 26, 2016 - Last Updated April 19, 2019