Fifteen years ago, support at Petrobras was highly decentralized, with each of the company’s individual areas receiving user support from dedicated IT teams. There were no provisions for behavioral training or career-pathing, and the many IT teams providing support weren’t referencing best...
Tag(s): process management, process, service management, process-improvement, customer experience, customer satisfaction, employee engagement, employee satisfaction, supportworld
Date Published May 7, 2015 - Last Updated May 11, 2016

The growing trend toward BYOD will continue to pose challenges for allocating service desk resources more creatively and accommodating users’ needs.
Tag(s): best practice, byod, service desk, business value, technology, supportworld
Date Published May 1, 2015 - Last Updated May 11, 2016

By providing a multitude of web forms that address every likely request and by responding, on average, within one business day, GreyStone Power demonstrated to its customers the value of web-based requests. And, by providing service representatives with an easy to use tool for organizing,...
Tag(s): white paper, technology, process management, support channels, customer service
Date Published April 29, 2015 - Last Updated April 30, 2015

Every company executive will raise their hand and say they believe having loyal customers is a key to business success. But what are executives really doing about it? Most will point to their customer care training or CRM system and say, “That’s how we take care of loyalty here.” Some will also...
Tag(s): white paper, customer service, business of support
Date Published April 29, 2015 - Last Updated January 14, 2016

This white paper addresses a key confusion point about service catalogs, and why the service catalog might be the most important ITIL concept you should consider and implement.
Tag(s): white paper, service catalog, process, ITIL, business alignment, service desk technology, technology, self-service tools
Date Published April 29, 2015 - Last Updated April 30, 2015

The concept of total contact ownership is relatively simple: “You answer it, you own it.” But it's really about the consistent delivery and alignment of all support groups working together to deliver end-to-end, seamless and transparent services. In pursuit of issue resolution and getting the...
Tag(s): white paper, process, best practice, support models, service quality, customer service
Date Published April 29, 2015 - Last Updated January 14, 2016

By setting expectations and clarifying the business benefits, self-service leaders can embark on a continuous journey of selling the value of people helping themselves, 24x7, to achieve lower operating costs and a better customer experience.
Tag(s): white paper, self-service tools, process, knowledge management, KM, best practice
Date Published April 29, 2015 - Last Updated January 14, 2016

In a bilingual virtual support model, the support team would be comprised of remote agents, or virtual support professionals, with the capacity to handle multilingual customer interactions. The deployed model of support would leverage existing VoIP technology, as well as the incident management...
Tag(s): white paper, communications skills, virtual support tools, service desk technology, people, diversity, international, communications technology, culture
Date Published April 29, 2015 - Last Updated April 29, 2015

The IT job market is heating up and top talent is becoming scarce. It’s essential that you start defining strategies for acquiring employees who will propel your company forward—or run the risk of losing out to the competition for the most qualified technical and business-minded people.
Tag(s): white paper, people, human resources, workforce enablement, culture
Date Published April 29, 2015 - Last Updated April 29, 2015

An effective, first-rate help desk is easy to spot—you can hear it, see it, and feel it. You can hear it in the satisfied relief of callers thanking support personnel. You can see it in help desk metrics that prove speed, effectiveness, and successful problem resolution. You can feel it in help...
Tag(s): white paper, process, leadership, customer satisfaction, customer service, service quality, best practice, people
Date Published April 29, 2015 - Last Updated January 14, 2016