Service level agreements are often driven and defined entirely by IT people without collaboration or agreement, and as such they are only concerned with measuring individual IT components, rather than the cumulative sum effect of these, as they are used. Here is a discussion of a different way.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, agile, business alignment, customer satisfaction, framework and methodologies, KPI, practices, relationship
Date Published November 11, 2020 - Last Updated November 17, 2020

When employees feel respected and validated – even in times of dramatic change and socially acceptable incivility – those employees serve customers and the company exceptionally well.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, culture, employee engagement, employee satisfaction
Date Published November 10, 2020 - Last Updated November 9, 2020

A good IT experience may be the key to improving employee engagement, but too often IT initiatives to improve employee experience fail miserably because IT leaders don’t have the right data to deliver what an organization needs. Here is how to change that.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, culture, employee engagement, employee satisfaction
Date Published November 9, 2020 - Last Updated November 17, 2020

Many organizations are starting to evaluate all the components that make up their operational model. It’s more important than ever to align your IT service mission with immediate and longterm objectives within your organization, and demonstrate that alignment to stakeholders.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, business alignment, business of support, cost models
Date Published November 3, 2020 - Last Updated November 2, 2020

The brain learns quicker and better when the learner is comfortable, so it pays to invest in making your trainees comfortable and open to learning. Here are some strategies to put learners at ease that can make training sessions more successful.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, training, employee engagement
Date Published November 3, 2020 - Last Updated October 30, 2020

Changes in scope of Service Asset and Configuration Management (SACM) can support organizations to shift rapidly to remote work when the next pandemic or disaster strikes. This is the final part of the “Bringing Service Home” series, which focuses on ways to operate IT service remotely.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, business continuity, business continuity planning, continuity management, disaster recovery, remote support tools
Date Published November 2, 2020 - Last Updated October 30, 2020

Here are instructions for how best to envision the journey of your internal or external clients from the submission of a ticket to the resolution of the problem, and beyond. By undertaking this exercise, you can reduce hurdles to great service.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, practices, business intelligence, communications skills, customer experience, customer satisfaction, customer-satisfaction-measurement, customer service, customer survey tools
Date Published October 28, 2020 - Last Updated October 30, 2020

Our team, our clients, and our organization are likely facing an unprecedented amount of stress during these turbulent times. Here are some tips for how team leaders can help a workforce to strengthen the characteristics that will see them through upheaval.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, employee engagement, employee satisfaction, practices, team building, teamwork
Date Published October 27, 2020 - Last Updated October 23, 2020

As part of our Metric of the Month series, MetricNet highlights how to measure how true artificial intelligence will help alleviate ticket volume, and free up the service team from commodity support. Now that true machine learning is possible, AI has the potential to revolutionize IT service.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, customer experience, IT service management, metrics and measurements
Date Published October 26, 2020 - Last Updated November 2, 2020

Make an effort to understand the culture and conditions on the ground where your workforce is located, and communicate regularly. Here are a few concrete steps you can take now to make the world a little smaller for your team.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, employee engagement, diversity, IT service management
Date Published October 20, 2020 - Last Updated October 23, 2020