Review the metrics you report for your support center more than once a year, and you’ll be better equipped to answer questions and request investments.
Tag(s): best practice, metrics and measurements, supportworld, support center, reporting-and-analytics
Date Published January 18, 2017 - Last Updated December 6, 2017

When support center tickets are escalated, delayed, bounced back and forth, and argued over, the end-user is the one who is still suffering degradation of service.
Tag(s): customer experience, customer service, escalation, support center, supportworld
Date Published January 17, 2017 - Last Updated December 6, 2017

If support center staff can provide support through remote control, does that mean that desktop support only responds when remote control can’t be used to resolve the issue?

Tag(s): desktop support, future of support, process management, self-service, service desk, support center, supportworld, trends
Date Published January 12, 2017 - Last Updated December 6, 2017

Mobility is accelerating business expectations of the service management professional like never before.
Tag(s): change management, mobility, service management, supportworld
Date Published January 10, 2017 - Last Updated December 6, 2017

Often, tech support initiatives require approval from senior management. How do support managers make the case?
Tag(s): business of support, business value, hdichat, leadership, service management, supportworld
Date Published January 9, 2017 - Last Updated December 6, 2017

Getting funded and approved for additional staff, new software tools, or other expenditures for the support center can be challenging.
Tag(s): supportworld, tools, support center, service management, RESOURCES, costs, business value
Date Published January 5, 2017 - Last Updated December 6, 2017

Traditional change management doesn’t support the rate of change required by businesses today. But DevOps can accelerate implementation of business-required changes.
Tag(s): change management, devops, business alignment, service management, supportworld
Date Published January 1, 2017 - Last Updated December 15, 2016

As tech support professionals, we must ensure that the metrics we report provide value to inform our services at operational, tactical, and strategic levels.
Tag(s): balanced scorecard, KPI, metrics and measurements, reporting, supportworld, technical support
Date Published January 1, 2017 - Last Updated December 15, 2016

There is often confusion between the information we collect for a dashboard and the information needed to make a decision.
Tag(s): best practice, balanced scorecard, dashboards, metrics and measurements, supportworld
Date Published December 28, 2016 - Last Updated April 19, 2019

Changing how we see service desks and using our existing assets (best practices, processes, tools, skillsets of the team) better is the key to long-lasting transformation.
Tag(s): business intelligence, business value, desktop support, service desk, support center, metrics and measurements, supportworld
Date Published December 27, 2016 - Last Updated April 19, 2019