Support centers that handle escalations with consistent procedures provide better customer service and increase productivity.

Tag(s): best practice, escalation, service level management, support center, technical support, supportworld
Date Published February 26, 2016 - Last Updated April 19, 2019

The targets and commitments documented in our Service Level Agreements (SLAs) depend greatly on the strength of our Operational Level Agreements (OLAs).
Tag(s): technical support, SLA, service level agreement, OLA, operational level agreement - OLA, supportworld, support center
Date Published February 25, 2016 - Last Updated December 15, 2016

Support organizations have come a long way with the tools used for providing end-user support, but the trends for support's technology use and implementation are constantly changing. So, where are we now?
Tag(s): infographic, technology, technical support, service desk technology, supportworld
Date Published January 21, 2016 - Last Updated March 10, 2021

In this update to the 2014 road map, the DSAB articulates the continuing evolution of desktop support, including the skills needed, and industry trends, such as cloud computing, shadow IT, BYOD, virtualization, security needs, and consumerization.
Tag(s): desktop support, HDI, business value, leadership, service strategy, technology, supportworld
Date Published January 13, 2016 - Last Updated October 5, 2016

When your CSAT score is stuck at a once-revered 85 percent and you're being challenge to improve customer experience, what should you do? Welcome to adaptive quality management, the goal of which is to improve operational quality in order to drive higher customer satisfaction.
Tag(s): customer-satisfaction-measurement, customer satisfaction, hdi conference, business value, quality management
Date Published January 8, 2016 - Last Updated October 5, 2016

Contact center metrics such as First Call Resolution (FCR) can become difficult to measure when new channels are introduced into a service model.
Tag(s): customer satisfaction, customer-satisfaction-measurement, desktop support, first call resolution, metrics and measurements, multichannel support, reporting, social media, support channels, supportworld
Date Published December 17, 2015 - Last Updated May 11, 2016

First call resolution (FCR) is about answering or solving the customer’s problems on the first call, as quickly and for the least cost possible.
Tag(s): best practice, customer satisfaction, costs, desktop support, first call resolution, continual service improvement, incident management, metrics and measurements, process management, process-improvement, return on investment - ROI, supportworld
Date Published December 8, 2015 - Last Updated May 20, 2016

This program reduces incident counts and resolution times and increases support staff skills for getting to root causes and eliminating the incidents they cause.
Tag(s): benchmarking, best practice, business value, costs, incident management, leadership, process-improvement, professional development, root cause analysis, support center, supportworld, training, service management
Date Published November 24, 2015 - Last Updated May 11, 2016

The HDI Service Management Awards recognize excellence and honor support organizations that have generated positive, measurable results in IT service management.
Tag(s): business alignment, business value, continual service improvement, IT service management, IT-business alignment, ITSM, KCS, leadership, process-improvement, service management, support center, supportworld
Date Published November 17, 2015 - Last Updated December 1, 2017

A true enterprise service portal is not restricted to IT; it is a gateway to interacting with all of an organization's service providers from a single landing page.
Tag(s): agile, best practice, business value, ITIL, service desk, service management, support center, supportworld
Date Published November 10, 2015 - Last Updated April 19, 2019