High-performing IT organizations recognize the need to control and account for the IT assets that provide support for their IT infrastructure and service level agreements. A solid configuration management process, supported by an easy to‐use and information-rich configuration management database...
Tag(s): white paper, process, ITIL, best practice, practices and processes, configuration management, change management
Date Published April 29, 2015 - Last Updated April 29, 2015

IT organizations are under intense pressure to reduce the cost of managing IT and ensure that decisions are based on business value and business priorities. Many are turning to the ITIL for guidance on how to meet these demands. But ITIL isn't a panacea; it's a set of guidelines. It’s left up to...
Tag(s): white paper, service management, ITSM, ITIL, IT service management, framework and methodologies
Date Published April 29, 2015 - Last Updated April 30, 2015

This white paper focuses on building a business intelligence (BI) strategy that aligns with the enterprise goals, improves knowledge management, advances business by making the best use of information, enables BI penetration into the business processes, and helps enterprise with strategic,...
Tag(s): white paper, business of support, business intelligence, business alignment, knowledge management
Date Published April 29, 2015 - Last Updated April 30, 2015

In this white paper, the different paths to ITIL Expert are discussed, looking at both the lifecycle and capability paths, the target audience for each path, typical roles and responsibilities, and the reasons why you might want to choose the capability or lifecycle path. The benefits of the...
Tag(s): white paper, framework, ITIL, training, process, framework and methodologies, best practice
Date Published April 29, 2015 - Last Updated April 29, 2015

If your organization is invested in sharing knowledge, the five measures presented in this article will help you report on progress and reinforce behaviors.
Tag(s): KM, knowledge management, metrics and measurements, process-improvement, reporting-and-analytics, service management, KCS, ITSM, IT service management, supportworld
Date Published April 23, 2015 - Last Updated May 11, 2016

Is ITSM still relevant in the mobile age? Absolutely. ITSM and ITIL can and should provide the overall framework within which Agile development can successfully operate, developing and deploying apps that are part of a service fit for purpose and effective use in a mobile environment.
Tag(s): mobility, service management, ITSM, agile, framework and methodologies, supportworld
Date Published April 7, 2015 - Last Updated May 11, 2016

The time has arrived—some might say it's long overdue—for the operations organization to get agile, and the service management function must transition to implement and support processes that enable a rapid rate and pace of change.
Tag(s): change management, service management
Date Published March 31, 2015 - Last Updated May 11, 2016

The current world of IT is complex, and the best set of processes for your organization might be a combination of frameworks and methodologies rather than just one. This infographic illustrates data on how organizations of all sizes and across industries are using a comination of frameworks and...
Tag(s): framework and methodologies, framework, ITSM, IT service management, service management, supportworld, infographic
Date Published March 13, 2015 - Last Updated March 10, 2021

Policy and process refinement, top-down awareness of security and compliance responsibilities, training for the entire organization, and deploying the right technologies are the critical components of a sustainable security program that will stand up to any regulatory framework that comes...
Tag(s): security management, framework and methodologies, framework, IT service management, methodology
Date Published March 11, 2015 - Last Updated February 26, 2016

What is K-Flow, and how can it be used to promote and drive continuous improvement in the support organization?
Tag(s): KCS, best practice, KM, knowledge management, process, practices and processes, supportworld
Date Published March 4, 2015 - Last Updated June 27, 2016