When it comes to customer service, it really is only as good as the customer says it is. But what do you do when your customers think your service is great, but you know it could be a whole lot better? Think Lean! We did, and we were able to reduce our abandoned call rate from 28 percent to 9...
Tag(s): people, customer service, process, framework and methodologies
Date Published May 23, 2012 - Last Updated May 11, 2016

Call it the cloud. Call it converged infrastructure. Call it hybrid delivery, or whatever the marketers come up with next. The fact is, the world of IT has changed. It’s the “new IT.” But let’s be honest: it’s not altogether new, and it’s not altogether IT. So what is it, and how is it going to...
Tag(s): process, business of support, framework and methodologies
Date Published May 23, 2012 - Last Updated May 11, 2016

With all of the buzz around strategic planning, it’s understandable that today’s IT manager or CIO, however shrewd he or she may be, might feel overwhelmed by the plethora of definitions on offer. The easy-to-use toolkit presented in this article provides a simple, yet effective, tried-and-true...
Tag(s): process, framework and methodologies, ITSM, IT service management, service strategy
Date Published May 23, 2012 - Last Updated July 7, 2020

Some will no doubt think this is heresy, but the fact is that ITIL is a process framework. It is not prescriptive (in either ITIL v3 or ITIL 2011, but more on that later), and the books do not actually provide a method for designing services; rather, they provide the (presumably) required processes.
Tag(s): process, practices and processes, framework and methodologies
Date Published May 22, 2012 - Last Updated May 11, 2016

Tag(s): supportworld, webinars, asset management, configuration management
Date Published - Last Updated July 21, 2016

After completing its reorganization in January 2012, it quickly became clear that for the reorganization to work, KCS would have to be institutionalized in our organization.
Tag(s): case study, KCS
Date Published - Last Updated June 2, 2016


Catalog sprawl, or the existence of many service catalogs in a single organization, was identified as a problem by 66 percent of respondent organizations in recent HDI research (a further 19 percent identified it as "somewhat of a problem"). However, even though many organizations consider it...

Tag(s): webinars, supportworld, service catalog
Date Published - Last Updated February 23, 2016


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The HDI Knowledge-Centered Support Award recognizes an organization that has successfully implemented or improved upon a Knowledge-Centered Support...

Tag(s): community, KCS, KM, knowledge management, membership
Date Published - Last Updated January 17, 2017


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Many change programs start on the heels of one-too-many disastrous change-related failures. Your CIO wants IT change management, and tag, you’re it!

If you’re new to...

Tag(s): community, membership, service management, continual service improvement, webinars, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated April 4, 2017


The current world of IT is complex, and getting more complex every day. The business appetite for information is increasing, and our traditional approach to managing and curating demand must accelerate in response. To satisfy this demand, many are looking to adopt agile development...

Tag(s): webinars, framework and methodologies, framework, service management, ITSM, IT service management, it governance
Date Published - Last Updated March 17, 2015