More tickets, less human contact is a recipe for burnout. Here are some concrete suggestions for how to help ensure your IT support team isn’t feeling overwhelmed. It may take a different strategy to dig out of the mountain of tickets, but it’s better than risking attrition.
Tag(s): supportworld, culture, customer experience, best practice, remote support tools, relationship
Date Published December 2, 2021 - Last Updated December 16, 2021

We all know that we have two weeks, at most, to fill a position, but too often we are stuck either hiring warm bodies or putting extra workload on our team. It’s better to prepare for the inevitable departures. Here’s how.
Tag(s): supportworld, culture, customer experience, best practice, remote support tools, relationship
Date Published December 2, 2021 - Last Updated January 20, 2023

Tag(s): webinars, supportworld, change management, continual service improvement, IT service management, ITSM, service management, technology
Date Published December 2, 2021 - Last Updated January 6, 2023



Time is the one thing we can’t make...

Tag(s): webinars, supportworld, automation, IT service management, enterprise service management, ITSM, service management
Date Published December 2, 2021 - Last Updated January 6, 2023



The pandemic forced a dramatic shift towards digital-first...

Tag(s): webinars, supportworld, customer experience, support channels, technology
Date Published December 2, 2021 - Last Updated January 6, 2023



Tag(s): webinars, supportworld, enterprise service management, service management, technology, ITSM, IT service management
Date Published December 2, 2021 - Last Updated January 6, 2023

Automation is only a benefit when it is implemented correctly and for the right reasons. If done poorly, it can even create more work for your team. Here, we walk you through a step-by-step process on how to determine what to automate and how best to do it.
Tag(s): supportworld, service quality, service management, best practice, automation, ROI
Date Published November 3, 2021 - Last Updated December 16, 2021

Moving operations into the cloud doesn't have to be a floating nightmare, but it isn’t a cure-all for organizational shortcomings, either. Here we list five common migration mistakes. If you can avoid them, it can go a long way to ensuring a smooth and fast transition.
Tag(s): supportworld, service quality, service management, best practice, cloud, cloud computing
Date Published October 28, 2021 - Last Updated January 20, 2023

Securing a cloud environment is much more difficult than securing a traditional computer network, as it offers so many more soft targets for unlawful entry and chances for accidental data erasure. Here, a cloud cybersecurity expert walks readers through three aspects of cloud security to begin...
Tag(s): supportworld, service quality, service management, best practice, cloud, cloud computing
Date Published October 21, 2021 - Last Updated January 20, 2023

Even with the best intentions to transform, organizations that lack in-house cloud knowledge may struggle to compete. Learn why cloud skills are becoming a necessity in the IT industries, and how best to train up your workforce to best utilize cloud technology.
Tag(s): supportworld, service quality, technology, service desk, service desk technology, service management, cloud computing, change management, training
Date Published October 14, 2021 - Last Updated January 20, 2023