The use of automation to cope with rapidly expanding or marginally efficient workloads is all too often considered as a last resort, after all other remedies have been exhausted. There is a more proactive way to approach this labor-saving tool.
Tag(s): supportworld, technical support, technology, costs, ITSM, IT service management, automation, cost per ticket, cost models
Date Published July 26, 2021 - Last Updated December 16, 2021

It’s easy to underuse and overspend on cloud assets. The good news is that there are tools and practices that IT can apply to better manage cloud assets and tamp down the waste. Here how to determine if you are throwing money away.
Tag(s): supportworld, technical support, technology, costs, ITSM, IT service management, cloud computing, cloud
Date Published July 19, 2021 - Last Updated July 26, 2021

Accelerated moves to the cloud made sense at the height of the pandemic -- organizations may face different concerns in the future. Chief among these is how to determine who is an authorized user and who isn’t in a hybrid work environment.
Tag(s): supportworld, service quality, service management, best practice, cloud, cloud computing, security management
Date Published July 14, 2021 - Last Updated January 20, 2023

Accelerated moves to the cloud made sense at the height of the pandemic -- organizations may face different concerns in the future. It’s going to be up to IT to ensure that the new normal is as secure as what came before COVID-19.
Tag(s): supportworld, service quality, service management, best practice, business alignment, cloud, cloud computing
Date Published June 30, 2021 - Last Updated December 16, 2021

Organizations must overcome the limitations of VPNs to become true digital businesses and rethink how they can better support and secure their remote workforce. Here is the argument as to why from a chief security officer, and tips for how to do it.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, cloud, cloud computing, security management, virtual work, virtual support tools
Date Published June 2, 2021 - Last Updated December 16, 2021

Experts predicted that it would take some time for the industry to adopt cloud technology because of initial limitations, but all that has changed as the capabilities have become scalable to meet differing needs. Best-of-breed capabilities, customizable user interface, availability, and...
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, cloud, cloud computing
Date Published June 1, 2021 - Last Updated July 26, 2021

As IT operations continue drifting into the cloud, it's important to ensure that organization personnel keep pace with the latest skills and practices. It’s not enough to find people who are skilled in cloud technology; you need to prioritize training for it within your existing workforce.
Tag(s): supportworld, culture, cloud, cloud computing, training
Date Published May 12, 2021 - Last Updated July 26, 2021

Agile is a simple and ingenious concept through continuous incremental improvement through small and frequent releases. You see Agile in work every day, and Manuel Palachuk walks you through one well-known example as he begins to explain its value to IT service and support.
Tag(s): supportworld, culture, agile
Date Published May 10, 2021 - Last Updated July 26, 2021

Whereas once customer experience was something IT service and support put on the backest of backburners, the concept has now become front and center in the competitive IT landscape. Doug Rabold has a somewhat heretical suggestion for how to meet that demand.
Tag(s): supportworld, coaching, collaboration, communications skills, communications technology
Date Published May 5, 2021 - Last Updated July 26, 2021

We ask five questions of Roy Atkinson, CEO and Principal Advisor at Clifton Butterfield, LLC. Roy is part of HDI’s Strategic Advisory Board, composed of industry thought leaders, practitioners and solution providers who help us keep close tabs on the customer insights and support center and...
Tag(s): supportworld, coaching, collaboration, communications skills, communications technology
Date Published May 4, 2021 - Last Updated December 16, 2021