Eddie Vidal



Eddie Vidal (@eddievidal) is an IT service management professional with more 25 years of experience in healthcare, transportation, hospitality and higher education. Currently Eddie is an independent consultant for EJV Corp, consulting for Memorial Healthcare System in South Florida. Eddie is an international keynote speaker, founder and president emeritus of the South Florida HDI Chapter, current member of the HDI Strategic Advisory Board, 11-time Fusion and HDI Conference track chair and speaker, and published author for HDI’s SupportWorld. He is the itSMF USA podcast producer and jockey, 2014 itSMF USA President’s Award Winner, and 2016 HDI Hall of Fame inaugural class inductee. He is certified in ITIL v3, OSA, and HDI Support Center Manager.

Recent articles

  • Analyst Performance Templates: How to Make Them Actionable