Contact Us For Your Complimentary Support Center Standard ▷

Developed by the HDI International Certification Standards Committee, the HDI Support Center Standard is the ideal resource for helping you identify best practices for your support center.

Adopting the best practices identified in the HDI Support Center Standard can help you align your support services with the needs of your customers and provide the consistent, top-notch support your customers expect. 


Support centers that adopt and follow best practices can realize these benefits:

  • Increased support service consistency
  • Improved customer and staff satisfaction
  • Higher customer and staff productivity
  • Enhanced efficiency and effectiveness
  • Reduced unit costs and user downtime
  • Increased ability to satisfy compliance requirements
  • Improved contribution to the bottom line


HDI offers a variety of services to support center leaders who want to assess, validate, and improve their support centers based on the HDI Support Center Standard.