Having an understanding of the key parts of project planning is critical to the success of any support team. There are two key elements of project management: people and process. Each element has ...
Tag(s): desktop support, problem management, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

As an organization in a highly regulated industry, Tampa Electric faces complexities and pressures that other organizations may not. As a guardian of the grid, those complexities and pressures are compounded. Yet Tampa Electric’s “culture of security” and practical approaches to security could...
Tag(s): security management
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

When it comes to knowledge management and Knowledge-Centered Support best practices, Coveo has a decided edge. They have robust tools, which they create. But without the philosophy, culture, and processes infused throughout their company ...
Tag(s): knowledge management, KCS, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

Knowledge management and Knowledge-Centered Support (KCS) are gigantic concepts that carry big expectations for financial and business practices. For some, they seem like amorphous ideas that lead to brick walls and inaction. For others, in their eagerness to get started, it’s “pick a knowledge...
Tag(s): knowledge management, KCS
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016

Too often, companies choose to believe they won’t be affected by security breaches. And too often they’re wrong. That means a whole lot of companies are losing—financially and reputationally.
Tag(s): security management
Date Published - Last Updated December 1, 2017

Securing personal devices requires an in-depth knowledge of not only the unique aspects of mobile devices but also the unique approaches to securing mobile devices that aren’t owned by company. Multiple platforms and multiple mobile device management (MDM) solutions only complicate the BYOD...
Tag(s): byod, security management
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

if you want everyone in the boat rowing at the same speed, you must get the first oar in the water, then the next, and so on until everyone is contributing to the boat’s forward momentum. This is the essence of collective responsibility. Simulations can provide you with the game film, practice,...
Tag(s): business of support, service management, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

There’s an information security maxim that states, “There’s no security without physical security.” Buildings and infrastructure (other than specifically IT infrastructure) are usually the domain of a department other than IT, but the technology used to monitor and secure facilities of all types...
Tag(s): support models, future of support, security management
Date Published - Last Updated February 26, 2016

IT provides services to the business, and ITSM enables IT to react accordingly when those services don’t perform as designed. It’s important that IT and the business are on the same page when it comes to key events, and that they approach those events with the same sense of urgency. This...
Tag(s): ITSM, IT service management, supportworld
Date Published - Last Updated February 25, 2016

After completing its reorganization in January 2012, it quickly became clear that for the reorganization to work, KCS would have to be institutionalized in our organization.
Tag(s): case study, KCS
Date Published - Last Updated June 2, 2016