The Change Advisory Board inadvertently can create a crutch that gets in the way of members of an organization taking accountability for proposed initiatives. Here are the reasons why that might be, and what to do to combat those fears.
Tag(s): supportworld, problem management, change management
Date Published December 16, 2020 - Last Updated December 23, 2020

Inclusion is not just a box to be checked off for a public relations advantage. A diverse and inclusive workforce offers advantages to the bottom line for a business. Learn how to enlist frontline workers for the best results with any inclusion initiative.
Tag(s): supportworld, communications skills, customer service, ethics, people, best practice, collaboration
Date Published December 16, 2020 - Last Updated December 16, 2020

At a time when so much is unknown, it is more vital than ever to strengthen the leadership skills that can help you steer your team through murky waters. Here are three concepts of leadership to consider as you retool for 2021.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, quality management, professional development, project management, relationship, communications skills
Date Published December 8, 2020 - Last Updated December 14, 2020

An overview of how to construct training that meets your company’s specific needs and budget, with tips on how to get approval for the program, how to work within a tight budget, and what alternatives to consider to the traditional outside trainer.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, culture, employee engagement, employee satisfaction, training, quality management
Date Published December 7, 2020 - Last Updated January 14, 2021

The only way for managers to help their team stay engaged is to stay engaged themselves. Here are some suggestions for ways to keep the batteries recharged in the face of so many demands on your time as a team leader.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, culture, employee engagement, performance management, process management, professional development, project management
Date Published December 2, 2020 - Last Updated November 30, 2020

While AI bias is a real issue, so is racism against an organization’s frontline workers. AI also can be utilized as a tool to combat racism and abuse, and to help us identify when to support team members when a racist incident occurs.
Tag(s): supportworld, service quality, business intelligence, change management, communications skills, customer service, ethics, incident management, people, problem management
Date Published December 1, 2020 - Last Updated November 30, 2020

Too often, new initiatives are derailed because frontline workers have not been brought in for input at the early stages of planning. If you include employee input, your organization might benefit, as employees will feel valued and want to see new processes succeed.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, culture, employee engagement, employee satisfaction
Date Published November 30, 2020 - Last Updated November 30, 2020

Metrics must reflect the increasing complexity of interconnected systems and services. But they must also do so in a way that shows the forest from the trees. Here is how to create and gather useful metrics about the true customer experience.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, customer-satisfaction-measurement, customer survey tools, dashboards, methodology, metrics and measurements
Date Published November 17, 2020 - Last Updated November 17, 2020

In the face of the COVID-19 crisis, IT showed incredible innovation and resolve, and silos were broken down between IT and other departments to deliver value to businesses. The question will be how to sustain such innovation now that the crisis has become the new normal.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, employee engagement, business alignment, business of support, communications skills, infrastructure management, infrastructure change management, ITIL, metrics and measurements
Date Published November 17, 2020 - Last Updated November 30, 2020

Too often, the service and support industry has a take-it-or-leave-it attitude, and neglects to ask what the customer wants and needs. Don’t just rely on customer surveys after resolved tickets - have conversations often, and keep asking how you can make the experience better.
Tag(s): supportworld, best practice, customer experience, communications skills, customer service, customer-satisfaction-measurement, customer satisfaction
Date Published November 16, 2020 - Last Updated November 17, 2020